
With each and every training, you receive the following for FREE
- An Inspection of your AED (VALUED at $130)
- A laminated CPR/AED Poster to post in your break room (VALUED at $27)
- A second laminated First Aid Poster to post in your break room (VALUED at $27)
- A ‘How To Effectively Set Up Your First Aid Kit’ report (VALUED at $30)*
- Our Heart Smart Online CPR/AED refresher, to review at any time and yours to share with your company, family, and friends (VALUED at $600)*
- Our Ready to Respond Online First Aid refresher, to be taken anytime and shared with all associates, family, and friends (VALUED at $600)*
That’s over $1,400 worth of bonus safety material that we want you to have with your certification. Because staying safe means having the tools and means to refresh your knowledge.
Still on the fence? Our No Risk to You Guarantee means you pay nothing if you’re not satisfied with the training AND we’ll give you $250 for taking up your time and energy.
Heart Smart Course
American Heart Association Heartsaver® CPR/AED
- This 2-hour course is designed for the lay responder and those not in healthcare professions
- Students learn the skills necessary to overcome reluctance to act in emergency situations and to recognize and care for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies
- Through hands-on training and video demonstrations, participants will learn how to administer effective CPR and understand when and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED)
- Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card that is valid for two years.
- starting from $75 for Individual*
Ready to Respond Course
American Heart Association Heartsaver ® First Aid CPR AED
- This 4-hour course is geared towards anyone with little or no medical training who needs a course completion card for their job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements or anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting
- The video-based, instructor-led course teaches participants critical skills needed to respond to and manage first aid, choking, or sudden cardiac arrest emergencies in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives
- Students learn how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock, and other first aid emergencies
- Course also covers adult CPR and AED use
- Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card that is valid for two years. (Groups of 20 or more are separated into sessions of 10 participants.)
- starting from $100 for Individual*
Safe Baby Course
Heartsaver ® Pediatric First Aid CPR AED
- This 3-hour course is geared towards anyone involved in childcare who have a duty to respond to illnesses and injuries in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives
- Designed for new parents, grandparents, childcare workers, teachers, camp counselors, etc
- Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card that is valid for two years
- starting from $150 for Individual*
Healthcare Professional Course
American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS)
- This 3-hour course is geared towards anyone in the healthcare field like EMTs, paramedics, doctors, in-facility hospital providers, pharmacists, nurses, radiographers, physiotherapists, dentists, and other health professionals
- Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card that is valid for two years.
- starting from $100 for Individual*